A big black dogLittle too much gray around the muzzleA big black dogWhy she ended up at the pound is a puzzle—Emmylou Harris and Will Jennings
This week is another of those that prove the need to cherish the things that don’t go to plan as much as those that do. Everything you experience goes how you want it to, benefits you or your community in unexpected ways, or teaches you something that will make you a better person going forward.
- Sarita snags … again.
- The Sarita sale keeps hitting snag after snag. On Friday, the title company called for payoff so they could complete the settlement statement. The mortgage company “couldn’t find the loan.” By the time this snag was resolved, it was too late to finish the statement today. They can finish it on Monday, but FHA requires three days to review it. That would put closing on Thanksgiving Day. Looks like next Monday will be the earliest we can close.
- The incompetence of title companies and mortgage companies is outside of my control. I’m doing better at accepting this reality. The Realtor® helping us with the sale thanked me for “being so patient.”
- Better living through chemistry. Right? Not so much. I’m grateful to be learning to focus on what I can affect.
- Cars are expensive!
- Through a series of decisions, we now own three cars that need to be inspected, licensed, and maintained in November. This year, I failed to set up a reserve to handle this expense. So of course, my car needed thousands of dollars in repairs.
- The timing is set and can’t be changed unless I trade vehicles. The lack of reserves is something I can correct, and I will.
- I am grateful I had more than enough set back in the family’s general reserve account to cover the combined expense.
- Tractor Supply rocks!
- Suna and I went to the Herne Tractor Supply to buy things for the horses. While we were there, we got to talking with a really nice guy who turned out to be the store manager … at least, until January sometime.
- He helped us find all the materials we need to build a big dog run for the City of Cameron’s pound. Now that we know where to find all the materials, Hearts, Homes, and Hands cut a check to Milam Touch of Love, the charity that supports pounds and animal rescues in Milam County, to cover the expense. Next week, we will go pick up all the materials, and my nephew Chris has promised to help put the run together over the Thanksgiving weekend.
- I am so grateful we could help further the work of MToL and help take care of the lovely animals who end up in the Cameron pound.
1 comment:
Yay, I read this! It's very positive and thoughtful. You may want to spell Hearne right. Other than that, it rocks.
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