Monday, February 17, 2020

Avoiding the Shit Storms

Like an enema, ego can really start some shit. Photo source: Shutterstock
Ego is the enema. I wish this were my pun. I first heard it on an episode of the TV series M.A.S.H. Even though I can’t find the quote on the Internets, that’s where I remember it from. I believe Hawkeye Pierce said,
What brought it back to mind was listening to Ryan Holiday’s Daily Stoic podcast this morning. He mentioned his book Ego Is the Enemy in passing. As I was showering, getting ready for work, the pun hit me.
But it’s more than a pun. When ego gets involved, that’s when the shit starts to flow. Ego can lubricate everything into a slippery slope to discord and conflict. Well, the conflict has usually already started. That’s what causes ego to flare in the first place.
I’m working on avoiding egotistic shit storms, and Holiday’s podcast and books are helping me be more aware of when ego gets involved. Then, at least, I can try to step back from it.
Memento morti.

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