Monday, October 14, 2019


This is the brush I currently use to maintain my callouses. It’s easy to grip and has very stiff bristles. My previous brush lasted almost five years. These brushes are a much more frugal way to maintain your feet than one of those dangerous trimmers.
This post originally appeared on the Hearts Homes Hands website on 2016-02-00.
As we get older, most of us get … crustier? I’m not talking about our personalities, although my friends—yes, I do have friends—would tell you I’ve gotten more than my share of that. I’m talking about dry skin and callouses on our hands and feet. Especially our feet. Especially our heels.
Or is that just me?
There are all kinds of products to help trim the callouses that develop on our feet. Most involve some kind of blade. And I’ve known even the sure-handed to get over zealous about trimming and injure themselves.
So, here’s my solution. For years now, I’ve used a simple kitchen brush. It needs to have a good handle so you can grip it easily. A long handle gives more reach, but a short handle gives better control. As I’ve gotten less limber, I’ve come to prefer the longer handled brushes like the one in the sidebar.
First, soak your feet or hands. I use mine in the shower, where I have a bench so I can sit or elevate my feet as I need. A pan of hot water also works nicely. Once the callouses soften, rub them in a circular motion. This action removes the excess skin, but leaves the healthy skin. And because the bristles bend, you don’t have to worry about cutting too deeply.
I hope this tidbit helps.

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