Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Return of the King

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
- Tom Petty
Four of Wands
Today’s Card
Four of Wands. Claiming self-determination and opening to new possibilities. Being surprised.
Today’s Hexagram
Ta Chuang (The Power of the Great). Remain firm and correct. No changing lines indicate a continuation of the status quo. Movement and instigative are in the forefront, back by strength and creativity.

OK. The surprise was in the support I continue to receive from my son. He has learned the lessons I tried to demonstrate for him over the last 25 years. Now it is his turn to help me remember them. He has become a man with his own standards of integrity, compassion, and honesty. I am humbled and honored.

Status quo was appropriate, too. It was a sleepy day, time to recharge the batteries and let pain and sadness wash over me, rocking me gently in the lap of the waves. By early evening, I think I was done with it. It’s funny how if you let the negative energies pass through you, you can come out the other side stronger. But if you suppress them or ignore them, they get stronger.

Spent the evening quietly watching TV with EW. Interesting way to get to know the bunch. The progeny may be a little confused right now, but they are good, smart kids and I like them.

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